I'm Back, BabyHiiiiiiii Everybody! It's me, Big Daddy J and I'm back. Mac has been doing a wonderful job of keeping up with posting here on ITISOK, something I've been neglecting for a long time but, like the Prodigal's Son, I've come back home, daddy.
Let me give you a quick rundown of what's been going on since I officially left.
First, I got a job in a metal door fabrication facility. It really sucked. I was there for a month and I can't believe that I lasted that long. It really sucked.
Next, I took work at a used furniture store. The work was easy enough and the people who worked and owned the place were really nice. I was there for a while. Did a lot of sitting on my ass. Listened to a lot of Harry Potter books on tape. Eventually, all things must pass go I had to go...
To another shitty job. Pearson Music. Truly a half assed music sto'. This job sucked ass and the pay was shit but you wouldn't think it from talking to any of the store or district managers. They must have been under the impression that salesmen raked in about $350,000 from the look of suprise on their face when I quit.
"What will you do?" I was asked
"I'm just gonna temp. The pay is shit here and I can probably make more money giving handjobs to stray puppies" I replied [paraphrased]
"Hmm. Interesting." said the district manager.
"If I wanted to hear an asshole, I'd fart!" I retorted [to myself]
Now, I'm just glossing over the Half Assed Music Sto' right now. I started a blog when I worked there, but the job was so lame I couldn't bring myself to write about it. If you want to see how it began, go to www.halfassedmusicsto.blogspot.com
I do have some good tales to tell, but that will have to be another time.
I am now in the wonderful world of temping. I've been at this job for three weeks and I'm still not sure what the hell I'm supposed to be doing. I'll be damned if I'm gonna ask, though...
more to follow