Howdy, y'all! I know it's been a while since I rapped at ya, but I'm gonna give you the lowdown. I'm no longer at CTL, I've got a brand new shitty job. I work more and deal with more assholes, but at least I make about the same! Yippee. I work at a music store in Durham, NC called
Pearson Music. I must admit, I had forgotten about the bullshit that you have to deal with when you work retail. It sucks. I work with one guy that is a skinhead, one guy that tells the same story to every customer (so I end up hearing the same damn story about 50 times a day by default), one guy who is just an asshole, and a manager that says things like "yippers!" and
"crazy doin's!". I'll keep you informed of what's going on, but I'm gonna start taking bets on when I'll quit/get fired. Post your bet in the comments section. Thank you.